Conducting drilling operations with the BOPs at the surface obviously requires some type of bottom-supported platform. The mobile bottom-supported platforms, such as jackup or submersible rigs, can also use conventional wellhead equipment and BOPs at the surface with the use of a mudline suspension system. When a mudline suspension system is employed, the casing is suspended at or near the mudline, but the casing strings are later tied back to the rig at the surface. Conventional BOPs and wellhead equipment may then be installed and used during the drilling operations. After the well has been drilled and tested, the BOPs, wellhead equipment, and extension casing from the mudline hangers are removed. If the well is to be completed, a cap is usually installed over the well at the mudline. When the operator is ready to re-enter the well, usually after exploration activities have been completed, the cap is removed and the well completed by either installing a tree on the ocean floor or locating a platform over the well and extending the conductor casing up to the platform. A conventional tree can then be installed at the surface. A typical mudline suspension system consists of a series of concentric casing hangers, each having an internal profile to provide a support or seat for the subsequent hanger assembly. Two types of casing hangers are usually incorporated in a mud-line suspension program.
Fluted mandrel-type, or boll weevil-type, hangers are generally used for larger size casing suspension, where casing ID and bit OD clearance is sufficient to allow a support shoulder to be provided in the outer hanger. The fluted hanger incorporates a replaceable fluted hanger ring that provides flexibility in the event of a last-minute change in casing program. Expanding-type hangers are used for the smaller casing strings where bit sizes closely approach casing ID, precluding sufficient clearance for a support shoulder inside the outer hanger. Expanding-type hangers use springloaded steel segments that lock the mating downhole hanger. Both types of hangers provide fluid passage for circulation and cementing returns. Generally, all assemblies may be furnished with circulating ports for washing and displacing cement from around the landing/tieback thread area. As with conventional mandrel hangers, the hanger body is made up on the casing to suspend it. Most hangers are designed with coarse threads for landing sub and tieback sub connections. Exact landing and tieback procedures vary by manufacturer. Conventional wellheads may be used with mudline suspension systems. Since casing weight available for the surface casing hanger is limited, some form of packoff in the top bowl of the casing head or spool is common. If the well operations are suspended for possible future reentry, a plug is placed inside the last casing string. The casing extensions are then removed to the last casing size that it is desired to cap. A cap is then placed, sealing this casing string and all subsequent strings. Any remaining casing extensions are then removed, and the location is marked with a buoy or other locating device.
Drilling mud process system
Description:Drilling mud process system including o&g drilling fluid circulation, slurry separation unit, HDD mud recovery system, CSM drilling fluid purification system. etc. Various well drilling mud process
Customizable modular configuration
Compact footprint
processing tanks
Complete line Mud System: AJ150GPM / AJ350GPM / AJ500 GPM / AJ800GPM/ AJ1000GPM /AJ1500 GPM Self-Contained Mud System.
From the comparatively simple to the complex, HDD, Mining and Waterwell has solutions to address your particular project, including:
Underground mining
River crossings
Coal-bed methane drilling
Curb-to-house installations
Surface coring jobs
Under-highway boring
Usually, drilling mud process system will include shale shaker, mud cleaner, decanter centrifuge, centrifugal pump, mud mixing pump, degassers, mud agitator, mud tanks, etc.
OGEM will design optimal system for certain client as per actual working condition.
Contact OGEM get better way for you now.
Any requirements, please contact with us freely!
Tangshan Aojie Petroleum Machinery Equipment Make Co., Ltd (Short for: OGEM Solids Control)
Address: NO.2 Jingxi Road,Lunan District,Tangshan city,Hebei province,China
Tel: 86-315-8676484
Fax: 86-315-2648099
Zip Code: 063000
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